Horse Leases & Sales

SES offers both leases and sales of lesson horses.

4 bay horses in field

Silver Eagle Stable offers half leases, full leases, and/or sale of their lesson horses, dependent on availability. Read on to find out more about both options.

Horse Lease Options

Not ready to own a horse but would like to have access to one beyond lessons? SES has 2 options of horse leasing available.

young boy wearing unicorn horn standing by palomino paint horse while she grazes in the grass

Half Lease of a horse

This lease option* enables the lessee the use of the horse part of the time but still allows SES to continue using the horse in the lesson program.

*Half-Lease $350 per month

Full Lease of a horse

A full lease* permits exclusive use of the horse by the lessee and includes the cost of regular vet and farrier. 

*Full lease $600 per month

In both options, SES continues to care for the horse in a normal fashion. Any special requests must be approved by management and will be the lessee’s responsibility financially. Lessee will schedule date and times to use their horse with management.

*Must take continuing lessons weekly while leasing a SES horse.

*Leased horses must remain boarded on property of Silver Eagle Stable.

Certain restrictions apply.

Contact us to find out if we have a horse to fit your needs for purchase or lease. You can look at our herd list below to see if any may fit your needs and wants.

Contact Us

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girl sitting on leased bay paint QuarterHorse by spring flowering trees

We accept cash, check, & credit card.

We impose a surcharge of 3.0% on the transaction amount when paying with a credit card, which is not greater than our cost of acceptance. We do not surcharge debit cards.